Outfit: Blouse - Black Label, Skirt - H&M, Heels - Forever21 (Old), Sunglasses - House of Harlow 1960, Nail Polish - OPI Pink of Hearts Set (You Glitter Be Good to Me & I Think in Pink)
I was recently asked by the ultra inspiring site I Want Her Job to sit down for an interview. The experience was truly an honor. For those of you who aren't familiar with the incredible site, the founder Brianne Burrowes is out to empower women across the world and inspire them to bring their dreams to reality. "We live in a pivotal time. We are closer than ever to shattering the glass ceiling, as women near – or in some cases surpass – men in earnings and attend college in higher numbers than their male peers. But even with the good news comes one very stark and somewhat startling fact. There are only 18 Fortune 500 companies run by women. Yes, that’s 18 — out of 500. This, and other barriers, must change, and it starts with us … in a small way … right here." Below is a snippet of my interview.
What challenges keep you awake at night?
Unanswered emails. I receive an average of 200 emails a day and literally stress about each one until I’m able to write back. I know what it’s like to pour your heart into an email and never hear back from a person, so I always try to make sure I write everyone back, even if it’s three weeks later.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
We’re currently working on a scripted TV show targeted for ABC Family, loosely based on my experience balancing life in LA and Alabama. My part is strictly behind the scenes, but the show is sort of like Clueless set in the world of fashion and sororities. It’s at the very beginning stages of development. My ultimate dream is to have an accessory line, including jewelry, handbags, and of course, shoes! I’d also love to write a book or two.
Where did you get the idea to start Fash Boulevard?
I grew up in a few different, small East Coast towns where all the word “stylish” meant was that you knew how to color coordinate. It wasn’t until college that I was able to completely immerse myself in all things fashion. After I graduated, I landed a dream visual merchandising job for a third party company that had me overseeing 26 Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s in Southern California. The week before Christmas, the entire visual team was put on a conference call that we naively thought would result in holiday bonuses. Instead, we were quickly blindsided with the news that everyone was being laid off. I suddenly found myself jobless and thousands of miles away from my friends and family. I had to come up with a plan — and fast. My dream has always been to create a brand that would allow me creative freedom, but I wasn’t sure which avenue to take. I needed a catalyst that would help open doors. After several sleepless nights, I decided to launch Fash Boulevard.
To read the rest of my interview about my day to day schedule, what it's like working with Lauren Conrad and Giuliana Rancic, and some of my favorite pinch me moments, be sure to head over to Iwantherjob.com.

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